Showing posts with label SAP MM-WM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SAP MM-WM. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

SAP Inventory Management and Warehouse Management Master Data Overview

1. Warehouse is the highest organizational structure in Warehouse Management (WM) defined for a plant storage location for managing materials stored in various places
2. Each WM site will typically have a single warehouse for all WM managed inventory  defined for the plant and storage location
3. The warehouse number needs to connect to at least one plant and storage location combination
4. Several plant – storage location combinations can be connected to the same warehouse number            

Inventory Management and Warehouse Master Data Overview

SAP Warehouse Management WM related Terms

Warehouse Warehouse is client specific entity and is attached to one or several plants and Slocs. Can be shared across companies. At least one warehouse is required to perform WM transactions.

Storage Type - Only relevant if WM module is in use. Each of the warehouse facilities or areas that make up a warehouse complex can be defined as a storage type, e.g. cold storage, hazardous area etc. Storage types can be attached to one or several warehouses.

Storage Section - Subdivision of a storage type. A storage section usually includes all bins that have certain characteristics in common, e.g., bins for ‘fast-moving items’.

Storage Bin - Each storage type and storage section consists of a row of storage spaces that are referred to as storage bins.

Quant - Serves to perform inventory management of a material at the storage bin.